Timing of party and entertainment
It’s our policy to start at the scheduled agreed upon time. We ask that you have your guests arrive 30-45 minutes before you want COCONUT the start. We schedule parties back to back and in order for COCONUT to get from one party to the next, he starts when he gets there. COCONUT cannot wait for guests to straggle in before starting. The total performance time is approximately 55 minutes, so before you send your invitations or call your guests, please keep in mind that you want them to be there to enjoy the show. Any questions, please contact us at 303-425-0230
We do have some postcard invitations you can purchase. They are 50 cents each and you fill in the information about the party, time, etc, and address them to your guests. Please let us know if you would like to purchase the postcards in plenty of time to send them out.
Tags: birthday invitations, Coconut postcards, guest arrival time, party arrival, party time
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